
Friday 8 May 1970

Test Dates

First go automatic.

  1. Now set year 11- that worked
  2. Now try 20 Also worked
  3. Go for 60 - no it did not like it so it is still 20
  4. Maybe 40 - no good
  5. So 30 - no
  6. Must be 29 - Yes Yes 
  7. So I think 2099 - Of course it works
  8. Maybe 2199 -No problem
  9. Now 70 it will work - it did
  10. But 69 will not - No it does not like it
  11. Maybe 1969 - No
  12. It is mad but 1869?- No
  13. 1971 just to move it - Yes ok
  14. 1970 should work - Yes
So the conclusion:
  1. You cannot date a post before 1970
  2. You may date a post anytime in the future (well at least 2199)
  3. If you enter from 70-99 it will assume 19nn.
  4. If you enter from 00-29 it will assume 20nn.
  5. you can enter any year from 1970 onwards as four didgits.

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